Haley & Juan Franco

June 18, 2022 • Savannah, GA

Haley & Juan Franco

June 18, 2022 • Savannah, GA

Q + A

What is the general itinerary?

We will be having hosted events on Friday and Saturday. Thursday we will be exploring the city and those that are here on Thursday are welcome to join us in the evening at Savannah Smiles at 8:00 p.m. We have some tables reserved for us. Friday we will be hosting a welcome party for all guests at 8:00 p.m. in the wine cellar at Churchill's on the bay. Saturday is the big day. The wedding ceremony on Saturday starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist. Then, we will be hosting the reception at the DeSoto.

Where is the ceremony and reception?

The ceremony is at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist at 7:30 p.m. The reception will be held immediately afterward at the DeSoto hotel which is a short 4-minute walk away from the Cathedral.

Where should guests park?

If you are staying within walking distance to the Cathedral, we recommend you walk, or use Uber/Lyft, or the trolley system if possible as there is no immediate parking by the Cathedral. If you are driving from a farther distance, you may elect to utilize nearby street parking or parking garages. Please note that the Cathedral is a short walk of 4 minutes to the DeSoto hotel where the reception is being held. The DeSoto has valet parking. Alternatively, the Liberty Street Parking Garage is about a 10 minute walk to the Cathedral.

How do I pay for parking?

Savannah has its own mobile parking app, ParkSavannah, to pay for your time on street spots. Simply download the app, type in the code on the sign, pay, and you are off to enjoy your day. There are also many parking garages throughout downtown Savannah where you can pay with credit card. Alternatively, you may also valet your car at a nearby hotel which may require cash.

Should I move my car for the reception?

It is up to you, but luckily the reception location is just a 4-minute walk from the church. Therefore, depending on where you park, it is likely not necessary.

Is there a room block at the DeSoto?

Yes. You may use the link below to book at the group rate. Please note that there is limited availability and rooms are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. https://be.synxis.com/?adult=1&arrive=2022-06-16&chain=10237&child=0&config=SAVTD&currency=USD&depart=2022-06-19&group=DFW&hotel=76327&level=hotel&locale=en-US&rooms=1&themecode=SAVTD

What is the dress code for the wedding?

Black Tie.

What exactly is Black Tie?

Black tie is a formal dress code where men wear tuxedos and which through its uniformity and specific dress code for the men allows the women to shine in their ball gowns and formal dresses.

What is the weather like at the time of the wedding?

The wedding will be during the beginning of summer so the temperatures will be hot. All wedding events are in the evening (with air conditioning), but your daytime activities may involve plenty of walking as Savannah is a walking city. There is always the possibility for rain so an umbrella may be needed.

Is the ceremony or reception indoors or outdoors?

Both are indoors. The Friday night welcome party is also indoors.

What happens after the ceremony?

After the ceremony, the wedding party intends to briefly take pictures if weather permits. Guests can head straight to the DeSoto for the reception. Dinner will be provided promptly.

What time should I arrive?

The ceremony starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp. We recommend you arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of the ceremony.

Where should I sit within the Cathedral?

We will have ushers to assist with seating. As a general concept, though, please do not sit toward the back of the Church. We would appreciate you filling each aisle starting from the front. We want you nice and close to us while we get married! Additionally, please note we are NOT dividing one side of the Cathedral for the groom's guests and another for the bride's.

Do I have to respond vocally during the Mass?

No one will be judging you if you choose to not participate. Your presence is enough and we are grateful for you to be with us for this joyous occasion. However, if you do not see an issue in participating with us, we would appreciate your active participation.

Do I have to kneel when everyone else does at the ceremony?

No, you do not. It is everyone's personal choice, but if you feel comfortable doing so, it would be wonderful. As an alternative, you could remain seated while leaning forward so that the person behind you may kneel without encroaching on your space.

May I take pictures during the ceremony at the Cathedral?

Feel free to take pictures before the ceremony begins. However, once the ceremony has commenced, the Cathedral only allows the wedding photographer to take pictures. We encourage you to take plenty of pictures at the reception.

May I take and post pictures of the wedding on social media?

Definitely! We simply request that you tag each photo with our wedding hashtag #francofairytale so we can keep track of all your pictures.

May I bring a date?

We have a strict guest list because of space constraints and venue requirements. Thus, our wedding is strictly RSVP only. We will only be able to accommodate those who both were listed on your invitation and provided RSVP.

May I bring my kid(s)?

While we would love to be able to host everyone's kids, we simply do not have the space at the venue. We appreciate you making necessary arrangements ahead of time so you can celebrate with us.

When is the RSVP deadline?

December 1, 2021. If you do not RSVP, you will not be counted towards the guest list. Please RSVP through this website if possible. Otherwise, make sure we get your RSVP in some way.

Will food and drinks be served at the reception?

Yes to both. Consider eating a light meal or snack prior to the ceremony. Dinner will be provided immediately after the ceremony.

Where are you registered?

For convenience, please see the Registry tab at the top of our website. A gift is definitely not necessary. Your company is truly the only gift we need. However, if you still wish to gift us something, then we would be extremely grateful for any contribution to our honeymoon fund (Juan has been promising Italy to Haley for years) located within the Registry tab (you may have to scroll to find it). Alternatively, we have registered for items if you prefer to gift something from one of the registry stores.

Will transportation be provided from and to the reception?

As the distance from the Cathedral to the DeSoto is a short 4-minute walk, transportation will not be provided.

I have other questions. What is the best way to contact you?

Please reach out to our wedding planner, Vanessa Saturday at (912) 660-9419 or vanessa@spectacularsaturdays.com. Alternatively, you may direct questions to Patti Dison, Hannah Dison, and Ana Franco.